Are you complying with employee record keeping requirements?

Pay slips and recording keeping are vital for all businesses, no matter their size. Employers have specific obligations in regards to pay slips and record keeping to ensure that employees receive the correct entitlements and wages.

Payment summaries are another area of obligation for employers towards their employees. At the end of each financial year, you must issues a payment summary for all your employees detailing their income for the past year. Payment summaries or PAYG summaries are a record keeping requirement enforced by the ATO.

In the coming months, the Fair Work Ombudsman is planning visits to businesses to ensure they are complying with their pay slip and record keeping requirements and to help businesses with any areas they are unsure of or need help and training on.

The Fair Work Ombudsman will be visiting businesses throughout South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory over the next month.

The face-to-face visits aim to educate employers about their responsibilities and assist employers in complying with workplace laws.

Employers will also be provided with education packs that include information about the free tools and resources available to them.

If you’d like more information, visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website here.